City and Hackney Wellbeing Network

Holistic support to improve physical and mental health

Are you struggling with your mental health and is it impacting many different areas of your life?

From 01 July 2023, the City and Hackney Wellbeing Network will be offering a service specifically for people who have been struggling with their mental health for a long time, experiencing difficult life experiences, or who are finding it difficult to get support.

We also have Open Access events open to all residents of City& Hackney. Meet people in the community and support and maintain your wellbeing.

Upcoming Courses in September:

Friday 6 September

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Event type: Coached Access, Event type: Independent Access, Beginner’s Songwriting Jam in Studio, 10:30 – 13:00 (started on 05/07/2024)
Event Type: Social Networks,
Core Arts
Core Arts

Fun, light-hearted, RnB, Soul, Gospel singing and song-writing sessions. We will work on individual projects as well as encourage group work.

Click here to register to the group waiting list Please complete the registration form adding the code 701Sq000001d4nyIAA
In Progress: 05/07/2024, 12/07/2024, 19/07/2024, 26/07/2024, 16/08/2024, 23/08/2024, 30/08/2024, 06/09/2024, 13/09/2024, 20/09/2024, 27/09/2024
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Event type: Coached Access, Event type: Independent Access, Printmaking Techniques, 10:00 – 13:15 (started on 05/07/2024)
Event Type: Social Networks,
Core Arts
Core Arts

In this course learners will explore the art of relief print, using reduction or multi block techniques to produce an edition of their own design incorporating 2-3 different colours. The result will be producing a box-set of finished work and developing at a pace which suits your skill level.

Click here to register to the group waiting list Please complete the registration form adding the code 7018d0000001RvSAAU
In Progress: 05/07/2024, 12/07/2024, 19/07/2024, 26/07/2024, 16/08/2024, 23/08/2024, 30/08/2024, 06/09/2024, 13/09/2024, 20/09/2024, 27/09/2024

Saturday 7 September

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Event type: Coached Access, Event type: Independent Access, Core Sport Sessional Access, 10:30 – 13:00 (started on 02/07/2024)
Event Type: Physical Health,
Core Arts
Core Arts

Timetabled access to Core Sport health activities.

Click here to register to the group waiting list Please complete the registration form adding the code 7018d000000DYHOAA4
In Progress: 02/07/2024, 09/07/2024, 16/07/2024, 23/07/2024, 13/08/2024, 20/08/2024, 27/08/2024, 03/09/2024, 07/09/2024, 10/09/2024, 17/09/2024, 24/09/2024
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Event type: Coached Access, Event type: Independent Access, Music Performance Skills, 14:15 – 17:00 (started on 02/07/2024)
Event Type: Social Networks,
Core Arts
Core Arts

High energy rhythm session. Come and explore the world of rhythm, play any instrument of your choice. From African djembe to congas or tambourine… bass, guitar, keys or drums. Let's improvise and write songs together.

Click here to register to the group waiting list Please complete the registration form adding the code 7018d0000001RvwAAE
In Progress: 02/07/2024, 09/07/2024, 16/07/2024, 23/07/2024, 13/08/2024, 20/08/2024, 27/08/2024, 03/09/2024, 07/09/2024, 10/09/2024, 17/09/2024, 24/09/2024
See all courses

Upcoming Open Access Events:

Peer Support Group Online 5.30pm – 7pm

Venue: Online every other Thursday 5.30pm to 7pm “We are a fun, safe, friendly and supportive group. The Peer Support Space is an open space for all, where we can connect with our peers, discuss issues around our volunteering positions, find out about up-coming events and opportunities, as well as sharing our talents and skills.     Read more…

City and Hackney Wellbeing Network is funded by

Working in partnership with