F2F OPEN ACCESS – Club Core Presents ‘Stars in their Eyes’ – 11/12/2024
Core Arts, 109 Homerton High Street, E9 6DJ Live music, poetry and a lot of bells to jingle!
Holistic support to improve physical and mental health
Are you struggling with your mental health and is it impacting many different areas of your life?
From 01 July 2023, the City and Hackney Wellbeing Network will be offering a service specifically for people who have been struggling with their mental health for a long time, experiencing difficult life experiences, or who are finding it difficult to get support.
We also have Open Access events open to all residents of City& Hackney. Meet people in the community and support and maintain your wellbeing.
The Tarot Café uses tarot cards as a medium for self-discovery under the guidance of an experience tarot reader. Come and get insight from Tarot Cards, group sharing and make friends! Apart from group sharing, the event includes two 15-minute individual tarot reading slots available to the group participants. If the number of individual tarot reading participants exceeds the limit, a lottery will be held to decide who gets the slots. 塔羅牌發展到近代,其應用範圍除占卜外,也成為了自我認識,解決疑難的工具。塔羅咖啡室會以塔羅牌為媒介,在導師指導下一起探索自我及小組分享。除小組分享外,活動有2個15分鐘個人塔羅諮詢名額給在場參加者。如人數超出所限,會以抽籤決定。 *The 15-minute individual tarot consultation slots are only available to participants who attend the group section on the day and cannot be booked separately.15分鐘個人塔羅諮詢名額只給出席當天活動者,不設單獨報名
Click here to register to the group waiting list Please complete the registration form adding the code 701Sq00000EgLQEIA3Core Arts, 109 Homerton High Street, E9 6DJ Live music, poetry and a lot of bells to jingle!
Core Arts, 109 Homerton High Street, E9 6DJ Celebrating our best years with live music, poetry and beautiful memories!